BNI Treatment Centers Reveals the Many Variations of OCD Types

Monday, March 24, 2025 at 11:15pm UTC

Agoura Hills, CA – BNI Treatment Centers published a blog post revealing the many types of variations found in someone who has an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This condition manifests in childhood and adolescence. Early detection and intervention of this condition when a person is a teen prevents significant distress in adulthood. OCD appears in multiple forms, some of which aren’t widely known. The lesser-known types of OCD might lead to people overlooking something that requires the help of a professional.

“OCD is made up of ‘obsessions’ and ‘compulsions.’ Obsessions are intrusive, unwanted, and usually distressing thoughts the individual cannot control. Compulsions are the behaviors the individual engages in to relieve the distress caused by the obsessions. The DSM-5, used by mental health professionals to diagnose conditions, does mention themes in OCD. It does not break OCD diagnoses up by types of OCD. That means these types are not clinical terms. They simply help us understand the varying ways this condition manifests and impacts people,” the blog post states.

The six common OCD types include harm OCD, relationship OCD, symmetry and ordering OCD, contamination OCD, hoarding OCD, and taboo thoughts. Harm OCD involves thoughts of violence or aggression that are persistent and disturb the individual significantly. Individuals with this condition will fear that they will act on these thoughts and take extreme measures to avoid it. They might believe that they are “bad” people for experiencing these thoughts, but, in reality, they are extremely unlikely to follow through on these thoughts. Technically, harm OCD falls under the category of taboo thoughts. This type of OCD involves extreme distress over disturbing and intrusive thoughts, such as inappropriate sexual or violent thoughts.

Relationship OCD involves fixations on their relationships, specifically with a romantic partner. They might question the quality of the relationship, whether they are right for each other, or if they are happy together. It might lead them to seek reassurance from their partner. Symmetry and ordering OCD involves an obsession with being perfectly tidy and orderly. They might become upset if they don’t complete rituals symmetrically. Contamination OCD is a “fear of germs.” These people might believe they are sick or have infected others even if they haven’t. This leads to them frequently handwashing, cleaning, and avoiding areas where bacteria may be present. Hoarding OCD involves a feeling that if they throw something away, it will have dire consequences.

“If any of these types of OCD sound like your teen, it’s time to consider seeking help from a mental health professional. OCD is not a condition either of you can control, and it is not a phase that will go away in time. Teen OCD treatment is available, and countless adolescents have found success with it. One study found that 53% of teens who received treatment for their OCD saw at least partial remission. Additionally, we know that co-occurring mental health conditions tend to develop later in life, making early treatment of OCD in teens especially important. With proper care, your teen can heal and live a peaceful life,” the blog post continues.

BNI Treatment Centers is located on Dorothy Drive and provides mental health services for teens in the community. They educate teens who are missing school to attend treatment, and they can help with complex diagnoses that teens might have. This is because they are a psychiatrist-led team, which means psychiatrists see patients almost every day and are better equipped to manage medications than other places.

For more information about BNI Treatment Centers, call them at (888) 522-1504 or visit their website today.

BNI Treatment Centers: Science-based, evidence-backed, compassion-led.


For more information about BNI Treatment Centers Outpatient - Dorothy, contact the company here:

BNI Treatment Centers Outpatient - Dorothy
Doug Jewell
28038 Dorothy Dr
Agoura Hills